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Our Services
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Services: Services

Drone Data Surveys
Drones give a true picture of what is happening on the site. Each drone data set contains 100 times more points than a conventional survey and may save our clients an average of $2,000 - $3,000 per lot in dirt costs.
Clients have requested drone flights for projects as small as 1 lot and as large as 1,000 lots. We can complete the project faster and more accurately while leaving dough in your pocket.

Improvement Surveys (ISP)
An Improvement Survey Plat (ISP) is a Land Survey Plat (LSP) with the addition of showing all improvements on the property, property corners, as well as any easements. The client is requested to supply a title commitment before beginning this survey. An ISP is required by most municipalities prior to commencing construction on a project.
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