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Colorado Survey Services

Our Services

Start your next project with us.

Services: Services
Drone Data Surveys

Drone Data Surveys

Drones give a true picture of what is happening on the site. Each drone data set contains 100 times more points than a conventional survey and may save our clients an average of $2,000 - $3,000 per lot in dirt costs.

Clients have requested drone flights for projects as small as 1 lot and as large as 1,000 lots. We can complete the project faster and more accurately while leaving dough in your pocket.

Boundary Surveys

Determine property lines, record locations of encroachments, locate property corners, easements and setback limitations.

Boundary Surveys
Improvement Surveys (ISP)

Improvement Surveys (ISP)

An Improvement Survey Plat (ISP) is a Land Survey Plat (LSP) with the addition of showing all improvements on the property, property corners, as well as any easements. The client is requested to supply a title commitment before beginning this survey. An ISP is required by most municipalities prior to commencing construction on a project.

Location Certificates (ILC)

An Improvement Location Certificate or ILC is a survey of a parcel by a licensed surveyor which is normally required by real estate lending companies. 

This survey determines possible encroachments or other matters that could cause a cloud on the title to the parcel.

Residential Location Certificates
Grading and Setback Certificates

Grading & Setback Certificates

Record elevations and verify structures are compliant with minimum setback requirements. Drainage elevations are recorded and any deviations from the site construction plans are noted.

Construction Staking

We serve a full range of construction surveying assignments for commercial buildings, residential subdivisions, parking structures, highway modification, utilities, and other infrastructure. We utilize the latest in GPS and Drone technology along with our experienced staff.

Commercial and Residential Construction Staking

(720) 242-9732

©2020 Lange Land Surveys

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